Wednesday, January 9, 2008

Who's afraid of health care for everyone or if you have cancer the Republicans think you should hold a bake sale

Today's local paper (the Gary Post Tribune) featured a story about "Antonio's Angels"- a group of neighbors holding a silent auction for 2 year old Antonio Moreno who has neuroblastoma cancer. In addition to having surgery, little Antonio had a successful stem cell transplant last month. (now if Antonio was an unborn fetus, the Republicans would be cheering for him, but since he's already 2, no "prolifers" seem to be worried about his health oh and they certainly would have opposed him getting treatment with stem cells. )
Meanwhile his family's neighbors have decided to help raise money for his medical costs and to create a fund for medical research on childhood cancers. ( under "Antonio's Angels by Sue Ellen Ross) Here in the "heartland" it is not uncommon to see little jars on the counter of the local quickie mart or even at big chain stores asking for donations for a cause like this. Even families and individuals with health care find that if they get seriously ill, their health care has major limitations. The Physicians for a National Health Care Program website has some great information about how relatively easy it would be to set up a single payer healthcare system which would provide medical insurance to all Americans. but , the Republican candidates for President are using the scary code words, "socialized" medicine and in the case of former NY Mayor (Mr. 911) Giuliani, "Hillarycare" or lately "Obamacare" and "Edwardscare" (just in case, he's ready with the really well thought out insult).
Yeah, it's way better you have to hold a bake sale for a 2 year old with cancer than face the terrible idea that every American should be insured. Ironically Mitt Romney talks on the campaign trail about the high costs of health care but seems to have no clue that it's the insurance agencies and hospitals that have made it so expensive.

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